Hannah Calderwood

Certified Author

Hannah Calderwood

A wife and mother of two who loves to cook and feed her family healthy, homemade meals. With a passion for cooking that runs deep, I am always seeking for new receipes to make my meals more delicious and nutritious.


A wife and mother of two who loves to cook and feed her family healthy, homemade meals. With a passion for cooking that runs deep, I am always seeking for new receipes to make my meals more delicious and nutritious.

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Let’s Get Specific

Written By Hannah Calderwood

Top 10 Hair Superfoods You Need for Healthy Hair (w/ Bonus)

Did you know that your hair is a wispy protein with elastin and collagen? It will slowly grow outward if left uneaten, forming knots and tangles. On the other side, lacking nutrients can lead to brittle and weak hair. Hair loss is usually caused by l…
Written By Hannah Calderwood

How to Make Vegan Bone Broth? 3 Amazing Benefits

Among vegans and vegetarians, vegan bone broth has become more popular in recent years. In this article, we’ll go through the steps to explain how to make vegan bone broth and why you should try to get more of it into your diet. Bone broth made…
Written By Hannah Calderwood

Delicious Buttermilk Vegan Pancake Recipe (In Under 10 Mins)

You are going to fall head over heels in love with these vegan buttermilk pancakes because they are so light and fluffy, as well as incredibly thick and beautiful. They are made with vegan buttermilk that is made by mixing soy milk with lemon juice. …