Coding Cats

Certified Author

Coding Cats

Coding Cats is the only software company you need if you’re seeking for cutting-edge, individualised solutions. We have the talent and experience to provide you with high-quality software that suits your needs, whether you’re looking for a mobile/web app, or an enterprise-level solution.


Coding Cats is the only software company you need if you’re seeking for cutting-edge, individualised solutions. We have the talent and experience to provide you with high-quality software that suits your needs, whether you’re looking for a mobile/web app, or an enterprise-level solution.

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Let’s Get Specific

Written By Coding Cats

CH. 1 – Introduction to R | R Made Easy

Let’s begin with a brief introduction to R language before we go on to discuss the capabilities and advantages of this product. Since its inception in the 1990s as an academic demonstration language, the R language has seen fast expansion and d…
Written By Coding Cats

Top 5 Fun JavaScript Challenges for Beginners (Pt. 1)

JavaScript is an advanced programming language with a wide range of possible expressions. It’s often used to provide interactivity and dynamic content to websites. As a matter of fact, this article will demonstrate the JavaScript challenges for…