7 IVF Superfoods That Can Increase Your Fertility Chances

Let’s be real for a second. The term “IVF superfoods” does not exist, technically speaking. Yes, we acknowledge that it seems like every week a new “superfood” is heralded as the next big thing in the world of healthy eating on the internet or on the cover of your favourite health magazine.
However, when it comes to nutrition, the term “superfood” lacks a universally accepted meaning. In light of the overzealous claims made by marketers and food businesses alike, the European Union has outlawed the use of the phrase on items that do not offer clear and trustworthy scientific data to back up marketing claims.
No one knows for sure whether superfoods exist, but we think the idea behind them is quite real, particularly when it comes to conceiving a child. In order to find the answer, we read extensively about the best meals to consume and the worst ones to avoid.
First, however, let’s see if we can get some fundamental topics clarified so that everyone is on the same page.
What are Superfoods?
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, the banana was one of the first foods marketed as a superfood. Julie Morris, a superfood chef and New York Times best-selling author, says that superfoods are foods that have a lot of nutrients, phytochemicals, and antioxidants.
Nutrient density is the micronutrient to calorie ratio. High-calorie, low-nutrient foods (like glazed doughnuts) have poor nutritional density. Low-calorie, high-nutrient foods (like kale) are nutrient dense.
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring chemical substances in plants that affect its colour, taste, and fragrance. Antioxidants protect the body from damaging free radicals (which might damage your ovaries).
Superfoods don’t have a scientifically accepted definition, but nutrition understanding helps us look past marketing hype.
Advantages of Superfoods for IVF Success
Before we list our top fertility superfoods, it’s important to keep in mind that few foods have been tested for their effects on reproduction.Most of what we know about reproductive “superfoods” comes from entire food group research (e.g., plant-proteins, whole grains, etc).
Folate, iron, Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B12 were among the key ingredients we sought in fertility superfoods. There’s more to superfood decision-making than nutrition, but start there and you won’t go wrong or waste money.
Top 7 IVF Superfoods
The goal here is to eat the items that can help you keep energy up throughout the fortnight wait period and transform the body into a conducive environment for a developing embryo. To do so, include these foods in your diet on a regular basis to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.
1. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of plant-based protein, as well as healthy fats and fibre. They pack a powerful nutritional punch because of their abundance of antioxidant compounds, vitamins B and folate, calcium, vitamin E, iron, and zinc.

Include more almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, and walnuts in your diet if you want to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Chia, flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds are some of the seeds that should be included.
2. Green Veggies
Green vegetables would be my first choice if I could only select one hue to focus on. Because they are packed with vital minerals like calcium, folate, iron, and vitamin K in addition to fibre, leafy greens are particularly advantageous for fertility. This is due to the fact that leafy greens contain a high concentration of leafy greens. Eat a wide range of greens such as watercress, chard, collard greens, kale, and spinach.

Arugula, sometimes known as rocket, is another option. Aim to consume one portion, which is about one cup when packed firmly or the size of a loose fist, with each of your meals. If the thought of eating greens for breakfast is foreign to you, try blending them into a smoothie or having them with eggs.
3. Berries
Especially blueberries and raspberries are full of antioxidants, which protect your cells, including your eggs, from damage caused by free radicals and the effects of getting older.

Blueberries include anthocyanins, which are known to help thicken the uterine lining. In addition, fertility medicines may cause constipation, and the high fibre content of raspberries can help prevent this side effect.
4. Olive Oil
This will help you achieve the recommended 35–40% intake of good fats. According to the same study that found avocados to be helpful for people going through IVF, monounsaturated fat, which is the main type of fat in olive oil, increased the chance of a live birth after embryo transfer by 3.45 times.

Olive oil is one of the greatest and simplest methods to get those good fats into your diet. Trader Joe’s and Costco are where I get the best deals on olive oil, walnut oil, and avocado oil.
5. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds have omega-3 fatty acids that help build up mucus in the cervix, promote healthy ovulation, and increase blood flow in the uterus. They also contain a lot of fiber, which is great for those who have suffered from constipation after using IVF drugs. Chia seeds are a superfood for pregnancy, so you should keep eating them all through your pregnancy.

To conclude, in the images below, you can see how breakfast bowls are very wonderful for breakfast since they have a lot of the things I’m saying here, and they set you up for a really pleasant and quick metabolising day. I will be posting the recipes soon, so stay tuned!
6. Legumes
Lentils are another healthy plant-based protein option. As we talked about in our essay on proteins, you can help your ovaries by getting your protein from plants instead of animals. As an added bonus, lentils are loaded with folic acid and iron, two nutrients crucial to conceiving a child and seeing them grow into a healthy being.

Both lentils and beans, particularly especially black beans, are excellent sources of protein and fibre. Furthermore, they are a good source of iron, folate, and other vitamins and minerals while being low in fat. When you’re attempting to eat healthily in preparation for an IVF transfer, my go-to recommendation is lentil and bean pasta since it’s rich with protein and other superfoods.
7. Oily Fish
Fish should be a regular part of your diet, especially cold-water oily (fatty) fish, which is the best source of the important omega-3 fat DHA. The embryonic brain requires DHA, which is also important for reducing inflammation. Oily fish is a good source of many important nutrients for reproduction, such as vitamin B12, choline, iodine, iron, selenium, and zinc. Pick fish that are both rich in DHA and low in pollutants like metals.

There are many options, including Atlantic mackerel, herring, rainbow trout, sardines, and wild Alaskan or sockeye salmon. Incorporate oily fish into your fertility diet twice or three times a week, and experiment with various kinds.
Final Thoughts
It is essential to have a diet that incorporates a wide range of foods that are fresh, whole, and unprocessed. So, try to eat these IVF superfoods for about three months before your transfer. It is essential that you consume a wide range of these meals; this point cannot be emphasised enough. Try not to dwell on just one thing for too long.
And last but not least, don’t give up hope, and try to have an optimistic outlook. If you’re interested in reading more information like this, subscribe to our newsletter. Cheers!