
5 Powerful Tips to Create Cleaning Schedule for Working Moms

Evelyn Waterson

Evelyn Waterson

December 15, 2022  · 7m read  ·  Exclusive
cleaning schedule for working moms
5 Powerful Tips to Create Cleaning Schedule for Working Moms

5 Tips for Creating a Cleaning Schedule that Works for Youcleaning schedule for working moms

Are you a busy working mom struggling to keep up with housework? If so, you’re not alone! Creating a cleaning schedule that works for your lifestyle can be difficult. But with a few tips and tricks, you can create a cleaning routine that helps you stay on top of chores without feeling overwhelmed. In this blog post, we’ll look at five tips for creating a cleaning schedule that works for you and your family.

Cleaning Schedule for Working Moms

1. Determine Your Priorities

As a working mom, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to keep your home clean. Creating a cleaning schedule is a great way to stay organized and make sure everything gets done. To make the most of your cleaning schedule, you need to determine your priorities.

Start by thinking about the areas that need the most attention in your home. These might include the kitchen, bathrooms, living room, or bedroom. Identify which areas you want to focus on first, and set aside specific times for cleaning them. You might also want to make a list of the tasks that need to be completed, such as dusting, vacuuming, or mopping.

Once you have identified your priorities, think about how often these areas need to be cleaned. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start small by doing weekly tasks and then build up as you go. Cleaning one area every day or once a week can make the process more manageable.

Finally, consider enlisting help from family members. If everyone is pitching in, it can make cleaning a lot easier. Assigning tasks to each family member and making a schedule together can help to ensure that everything is taken care of. With a little organization and planning, you’ll be able to create a cleaning schedule that works for you.

2. Set Realistic Goals

As a busy working mom, it can be hard to stay on top of household chores. To make sure you don’t get overwhelmed, it’s important to set realistic goals and create a cleaning schedule that works for you. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

First, determine how often you want to clean each area of your home. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, decide what works best for you and your lifestyle. It may be helpful to break the schedule down into daily, weekly and monthly tasks.

Second, make a list of all the tasks you want to accomplish and assign them to specific days. This will help you stay organized and ensure that nothing is overlooked. You can also break tasks down into smaller chunks so they are easier to manage.

Third, get help from family members and friends. You don’t have to do everything yourself! Ask for assistance with some of the larger or more time-consuming tasks, like deep cleaning the kitchen or organizing your closets.

Fourth, don’t forget to give yourself some grace. If something comes up and you can’t complete a task on your cleaning schedule, don’t beat yourself up over it. Just try to get back on track as soon as possible and don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done!

Finally, review your cleaning schedule regularly and adjust as needed. Life changes quickly, and so can your cleaning schedule. Make sure you’re setting realistic goals that you can keep up with and adjust when necessary.

Creating a cleaning schedule may seem overwhelming at first, but it can help make keeping up with housework much easier. Set realistic goals, make a list of tasks and assign them to days, ask for help when needed, give yourself grace, and review your cleaning schedule regularly – these five steps will help you stay on top of your cleaning routine!

3. Create a System that Works for You

Working moms have a lot on their plate. From balancing work and family life to maintaining the home, it can be hard to keep up with everything. One way to stay organized is to create a cleaning schedule that works for you and your lifestyle. Here are five tips to help you make the most of your cleaning routine:

  1. Start small. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the tasks that need to be done around the house. To avoid feeling this way, start by focusing on just a few tasks each day. You can gradually add more tasks as you become more comfortable with your routine.
  2. Prioritize tasks. Take some time to think about which tasks need to be done most often and which ones can wait until later. Making a list of these tasks can help you stay focused when you’re in the middle of cleaning.
  3. Utilize technology. Technology can be a great asset for creating a cleaning schedule. Using a calendar app can help you plan out when you want to tackle certain tasks and remind you when they are due.
  4. Break it up. If possible, break larger tasks into smaller chunks so they are more manageable. For example, instead of tackling all the laundry in one day, spread it out over several days. This will help prevent you from feeling too overwhelmed.
  5. Give yourself grace. Life happens, and it’s impossible to stick to a schedule 100% of the time. If something comes up or you need to take a break from cleaning, don’t beat yourself up about it. Just take it in stride and try again tomorrow.
    Creating a cleaning schedule that works for you is an important step for any working mom. With a bit of planning and patience, you can find a system that will help keep your home neat and organized.

4. Delegate and Enlist Help

For working moms, life can often feel like a balancing act. It can be tough to find the time and energy to keep your home clean and tidy while also juggling your job, family commitments, and more. That’s why it’s important to create a cleaning schedule that works for you and fits in with your busy lifestyle.

One key element to making your cleaning schedule successful is delegating and enlisting help. While you might not be able to outsource all of your cleaning tasks, it’s possible to delegate some of the more mundane or time-consuming tasks to someone else.

If you have a spouse or partner, consider splitting up chores so that each of you takes responsibility for certain tasks. This could mean one person does all the vacuuming and another takes care of the laundry. Or if you’re a single parent, you might ask a neighbor or family member to help out with certain cleaning tasks. You don’t have to do it all yourself!

You might also consider outsourcing some of your household chores by hiring a cleaner or getting help from a housekeeping service. Having someone else come in and take care of the heavier or more time-consuming chores can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your life.

Finally, don’t forget about the kids! Giving older children age-appropriate chores is a great way to teach them valuable lessons about responsibility and teamwork. Even young children can help out with small tasks like putting away toys or sorting laundry. Getting everyone in the house involved can make cleaning much easier and more enjoyable.

By delegating tasks and enlisting help, you can create a cleaning schedule that works for you and allows you to keep your home neat and tidy without feeling overwhelmed. With a little planning and organization, you can make cleaning less of a chore and more of an enjoyable task.

5. Daily Cleaning Schedule

Creating a daily and weekly cleaning schedule is essential for working moms to stay organized. It may seem overwhelming to create a plan that works with your busy schedule, but it’s doable! Here are some tips to help you get started:

Daily Cleaning Schedule:
• Make your bed – Starting your day with a made bed will set the tone for a productive and organized day.
• Clear the kitchen counter – Put away dishes, empty the sink, and wipe down surfaces so you can start fresh every morning.
• Vacuum the living areas – Quickly running the vacuum can help keep your floors looking clean and dust-free.
• Wipe down bathrooms – Cleaning toilets, sinks, and counters will help keep your bathrooms germ-free and smelling fresh.
• Sweep and mop floors – To keep your floors looking nice and protect them from scratches, sweep and mop regularly.
Weekly Cleaning Schedule:
• Dust furniture – Dust all surfaces in each room so that your furniture remains looking nice and feeling clean.
• Clean the oven – Cleaning your oven regularly helps keep it running efficiently and prevents odors from lingering.
• Wash windows and mirrors – Wash away any smudges or streaks so that your windows and mirrors shine bright.
• Vacuum upholstered furniture – Vacuuming furniture helps remove dirt and dust, as well as keeps it looking good as new.
• Clean refrigerator – Cleaning out old food and wiping down shelves keeps your refrigerator clean and odor-free.


By following these daily and weekly cleaning schedules, you’ll be able to stay on top of your household tasks while still making time for yourself and your family. And don’t forget to give yourself grace when life gets busy – you got this!

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Evelyn Waterson

Evelyn Waterson

A lifestyle coach who is passionate about helping people live their best lives. Having a background in wellness, I feel that a happy life is one that strikes a good balance between healthy routines, self-improvement, and genuine relationships.

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